"Why is this happening to me?"
You know this question and how much it can weigh on you. I do, too.
Like many of us, I have run the circles in health care and was always told the same thing:
"Everything looks good."
If everything is good, then why did I feel like 'hot garbage'?
Seriously, it doesn't take a doctor to see that something about this doesn't add up. And it doesn't, but so many of us who seek to know more get gaslit and are essentially given the option to wait it out until its a big enough issue that it's finally the right issue for Western care.
Surely there is work we can do before we reach the acute forms of illness. So why aren't people getting help during those phases of care or health?
Simply put, you (like me) saw great doctors at the wrong time.
Looking back to when I was a kid, it BAFFLES me that I was clearly dealing with some Type II diabetes, if not pre-diabetic, I had juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (I put on Vioxx...scary), I had signs of acidity (we're talking 7-10 yeast infections a year and constant GI issues), I was clinically obese in middle school, I had chronic fungal infections, acne for decades, gallbladder attacks, hirsutism, vaccine reactions (probably because my body was struggling so much it couldn't handle it), psoriasis, cholesterol over 700 (not a typo)... and you know, some childhood trauma. The signs were subtle, people.
But I "looked fine", and nothing seemed "wrong". Really? Really?!
Thank god they offered me statins, steroids, and diflucan. But, it wasn't enough.
Logic this with me: A *lot* of people put MDs on a pedestal (rightfully so) as doctors and for their life saving drugs and interventions. These doctors specialize in those areas of care in managing sickness and health crisis... That is different than specializing in wellness or applying higher level principles of human physiology. There is a lot to be said of doctors who specialize in the human health, meaning the art of living well and thriving. We are humans first, not living breathing pills, so let's start with being human.
(IMHO, it says a lot about our health system that we do not have a designation like MD for nutrition or functional medicine practitioners. Food for thought...) I digress!
In my years of suffering, I got 0, zilch, nada for support with:
1. the root cause of these conditions/experiences and
2. any education on specific lifestyle or holistic approaches to utilize my body's innate ability to heal itself.
In the process of becoming a chiropractor I truly learned how the body is self-healing and I got sucked back into the world of nutrition and functional medicine. The more I saw patients, the more I saw they were getting the same run-around I did. And yet, its ethical and covered by insurance so the cycle continues. In the end, its a well-meaning but flawed system and sadly, this extends into a lot of the alternative health care fields, too. Once I found my mentor (Drs. Bryan and Julie Walsh), I knew that it was possible to provide ethical, science rich functional medicine care- not some cookie cutter algorithm or MLM supplement schemes. Real health care.
You can have a better experience and we are provide answers, effective solutions, and support along your healing journey. Because you deserve to be well and to enjoy this precious life you have to live.
So how does this all work?
Learn about my approach to care and set up a intro call to see if I am the right practitioner for you.
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